You’re Ready.

Welcome to Tower To Tree.

I’m Meredith and I’m here to help others blow it all up and start over from a place of honoring themselves so they can do their soul's purpose work that they are here to do in this lifetime.

How Is Change Possible?

My support through a Day of Transformation (A 1:1 daylong intensive that is entirely asynchronous, using Voxer) is where we’ll blow it all up and create fertile ground for your new growth in one day.

People who work with me have felt:

  • Less stress and anxiety 

  • MORE calm 

  • A sense of ease in focus while doing things that excite them 

  • So much better in their bodies 

  • A balance of masculine and feminine energies 

  • Rejuvenated as their energy returned

  • In alignment, as they move into the life they desire – out of the abstract and into reality.

  • Freedom from systems that told them they couldn’t have what they wanted

  • An intuitive understanding of what choices to make on a  daily basis, centered on what they actually desire

  • Lightness & Joy

  • Connected to their magick in a renewed and powerful way

How Does It Work?

This offering is a 1:1 daylong intensive that is entirely asynchronous, using Voxer. 

It’s scheduled at your convenience, on a day of your choosing.

You get 12 full hours of access to me through Voxer:

8 a.m. – 8 p.m. MST

Why Voxer?

  • Using Voxer as a tool for support has been a welcome change for my clients who were overwhelmed with multiple meetings and other life tasks. 

  • It helps people like you have the space and time to be able to process verbally and/or in writing, whichever works best. 

Instead of a single call where you forget things or have to react at the moment with any questions on the spot, without enough time to think about them…We can go back and forth and respond for an entire day when it's convenient for you. No pesky meetings! 🙌🏽

What’s The Investment?

The investment for this experience is $1777.  

I have seen my clients’ transformations. I know the massive value, change, and positive difference that can accompany this experience, so long as you are ready. 

Complete the short form to get started.

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That’s okay!

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